My story begins in 1983 – the year my June wedding took place with a life full of hope and promise stretched before me. The union was one blessed by God and family and left me breathless for what the future held. Two sons entered the picture four and seven years into our marriage and added another layer of love, I never thought was possible to embrace. I watched in awe as these little boys laughed, played and brought smiles to all of our faces. Life was exactly as I imagined and there was nothing to make me think otherwise in the first ten years of marriage.


My happily ever after began to deteriorate as my husband endured one physical problem after another. I was not only working full time, but took on all the household chores as well as the care for our two sons. Life was still moving forward, but was steeped in routine, messiness and little joy. My dreams for the future faded from sight as I maintained the household and took on a persona that life was fine.

[Tweet “As the safety net of marriage disappears, reevaluate the promises you made to each other.”]

As the safety net of my marriage began to disappear, and the emotional stability of home kept us off balance, it was time to consider whether the current environment was best for my sons and myself.

My story does not just end in divorce… to continue the rest, please click here, where I am honored to finish my story at Messy Marriage.

In grace and peace,





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