The walk started off like any other. The summer gardens bloom brightly in places and sunlight filters through the varying shades of green. The trees cast shadows on the paths and birds, deer, squirrels and wild turkeys beckon us to explore further. Everything is a treat for the eyes, peace for the soul and an intrinsic God moment in the act of letting go of all else.

As I was walking one day, I was oblivious to my surroundings. But as I settled into a rhythm, I created a space to soak in and observe the details laid out before me. Each weathered branch, gnarled tree root, leaf, and splash of color, though not perfect in shape or form, is “imperfectly perfect” in God’s eyes. I discovered that beauty is not always a perfect image ready to be captured by our cameras. Instead it shows up in the intricate root system of a majestic, old tree. It looks like a bird prancing across the pathway. Sometimes it shines as a reflection in a pond along the way. On this day, God taught me a lesson of how His creation is imperfectly perfect because we are all unique and beautiful in His eyes.

imperfectly perfect roots

imperfectly perfect ducks

imperfectly perfect reflection

I am one who seeks perfection in my life. It is a character flaw or a gift depending on how I use it. When I look at perfection as a process of refining who I am and allow it to be ongoing, I am using it as a gift. If I look at perfection to improve at all cost, I am manifesting a huge character flaw. God chose to make us imperfect because we only find perfection in Jesus Christ.

[Tweet “As imperfect people, we will always find our perfection in Jesus.”]

I am on a journey to learn the deeper pieces of how God wired me and how these traits honor Him. It is an ongoing journey that opens up new paths as God gives me glimpses into the beautiful “me” He created. One of the tools I utilized recently revealed my happiness style. Jennifer Dukes Lee’s new book, The Happiness Dare, is launching into the world on August 2nd. This book is a gem in not only exploring happiness, but looks at who we are, where we fall in the happiness style spectrum and how we can use our strengths to improve ourselves as well as better relate to others.

I am a Relater. I crave a sense of belonging, enjoy being with the people I love, need a tribe of very good friends and am likable and warm. 🙂 When I read the words below from Jennifer, I knew that this assessment was dead on.

Together is what makes us brave when life makes us scared.

Go ahead. Read it several times. I know I did and the truth in these words speaks to me with such a clarity and understanding of who I am. My imperfectly perfect self is wrapped in being a relater, but also in who God created me to be. You also are a unique, one of a kind child of God, blessed with imperfections, gifts and a beautiful story.

imperfectly perfect

Our imperfections are made beautiful by God who loves us into perfection. Our ability to see the beauty in others happens more easily when we are looking through the truth reflected in God’s eyes.

[Tweet “Our imperfections are made beautiful by God who loves us into perfection.”]

A happiness style provides a snapshot into a piece of our story. It gives us a better understanding of how we relate to others. God is the person behind the camera of our life and He sees the whole picture in one snapshot. He loves our quirks, looks, personalities and every little piece of who we are.

Are you happy with the imperfectly perfect self God created? I dare you to take the happiness assessment and share your style in the comments. Follow the link to find the assessment HERE.

Jennifer’s book, The Happiness Dare, is now available for pre-order. Follow the link to get your own copy HERE. You will be so glad you did.

.Blessings of grace along the way!

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