I sit still, in a state of waking up, letting the quiet envelop me as my day begins. My mind honors the stillness for several minutes before it veers off in other directions as the everyday creeps in to steal the quiet. A fight ensues in my mind as I crave peace and quiet on one hand, but once again ordinary routines win out until I invite God to be present in my stillness.

The deep inhale of a soul breath is needed in the quiet moments to begin recognizing who is in control and with whom we should follow. Deep soul breaths fill us with peace and center our focus on the importance of our day. Emily P.Freeman, in her new book, Simply Tuesday Small-Moment Living in a Fast-Moving World, describes these deep soul breath moments as sitting on a bench where we acknowledge “God exists right here in the moments where we live”. It is celebrating our smallness in a world that craves bigger is better. It is knowing that we are making a difference in the here and now and our name does not need to be well known to carry out God’s work.


[Tweet “Reality is that ordinary life takes precedence when we allow God to take residence.”]

As a newly retired teacher, you might imagine that I have plenty of time for these quiet and reflective moments. Reality shows that ordinary life takes precedence when we allow God to take up residence. Simply Tuesday is Emily P. Freeman’s new book that releases August 18th and as a member of her book launch team, I have had the pleasure of reading her book and soaking in my own deep soul breath moments. Emily has a gentle way of getting real with us and is convicting me that extraordinary is not meant to be the norm in our lives. Instead we should choose the ordinary, the here and now, the practice of being present as the snapshots that fill our photo albums and know it is the acts of doing laundry, running errands or standing out front talking to a neighbor that are used to honor God. Emily confirms this by saying:

The hope of glory shows himself in the smallest ways, in the midst of the most mundane tasks and annoying conversations.

We can choose to look at life through God’s lens, in which He clearly sees us doing His work right in this time and place or we can choose the world’s lens, in which we must shine brightly to be known in order to make a difference. We all have the choice to make, but which one really feels like you?

Simply Tuesday bench dwelling

Small moments are the bench dwelling pauses where you meet ordinary head on and allow God to sit with you, in you and become you. No pretenses are needed as you feel comfy in your own skin because of the unique, beauty God created in you. Each time we reach for the small we become more confident in who we are in Christ and are able to reach for the stars that He puts in front of us.

Small is the position of my soul, the posture by which I approach others, God, and myself… When I’m small, I can move into the world confident as the person I most deeply am because I know I don’t move into the world alone.

Emily’s book will fill you with deep soul breaths and the grace needed to accept your here and now as God’s call for your lives. You will find so many “Me too” moments throughout the book that will have you nodding in agreement and dreaming of future bench dwelling moments in your own life. Let these words from Emily fill you right now and convict your heart that smaller is better.

In our small ways, it is Christ who makes it possible for us to move through our lives, believing and trusting he is establishing his kingdom-sized purposes within and around us.

I am honored to have read an advance copy of Simply Tuesday and know that you will be blessed by Emily’s words. Simply Tuesday comes out on August 18th and it available for pre-order today on Amazon. Click here. To find out more about Emily and to sign up for a short four part video series click here. You will be blessed!


Please know this review reflects my own honest thoughts of Simply Tuesday. Please come back in a a few weeks for a giveaway of this beautiful book by Emily.

In grace and peace,


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